Many people just stay in Tallinn while visiting Estonia. We agree, Tallinn Old town is beautiful, our museums are interesting, we have nice cosy caffeterias and lot of green areas to relax. But still, you should get out from the city at least for half a day but we suggest more. So here are some suggestions and reasons why you should be outdoors and what to do in Estonia?

1. We have 4 seasons – snowy winter, excellent spring, mild summer and colorful autumn. Some year, there is fifth season as well- high water level season. There are appropriate activities for every season, CHECK OUT YOUR ADVENTURE HERE!

2. We have 6 national parks! Lahemaa, Alutaguse, Karula, Matsalu and Vilsandi. 172 nature protection areas, 153 nature parks. Which one you choose to visit?

3. Did you know that almost 20% of Estonia is covered with bogs and swamps? You can find here 33 wetland habitat types, many of those rare in Europe. There are lot of different bog trails all over Estonia. Closest to Tallinn is Viru bog, 6km hike in beautiful bog and forest landscape.

4. AND! Visiting bog in summertime, there is one thing you MUST try – swimming in the bog pool!

5. Grab some food from grocery store and enjoy your picnic out of the city. OR! We have bonfire places and free firewood. Cook your lunch in the forest. Outdoor cooking is getting more popular and also gives you unforgettable memories. 

You get fresh air, silence, some exercise, contact with nature, safe adventure and good company by local people.

Photo by Gen Vagula